After 46,000 years, they comeback to life - Longevity and Supplements (Live healthy naturally)


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Monday, July 31, 2023

After 46,000 years, they comeback to life

Researchers have successfully revived a worm that had been frozen in Siberian permafrost for an astonishing 46,000 years, as reported in a recent study published in the journal PLOS Genetics.

By utilizing radiocarbon dating on plants discovered in the nearby permafrost, scientists have estimated the age of the revived worms to be between 45,839 and 47,769 years old. Through thorough analysis of the specimens, they have identified at least one of the worms as belonging to a previously unknown species, which they have named Panagrolaimus kolymaensis.

After 46,000 years, worms found frozen in seberia comeback to life again , How and Why?

Before this discovery, there have been reports of scientists successfully reviving ancient worms called nematodes (roundworms) from permafrost in Siberia. These worms were found frozen and were estimated to be around 41,000 years old. The process of reviving these ancient worms is fascinating and offers insights into the ability of certain organisms to survive extreme conditions.

1. Cryobiosis and Anhydrobiosis: Nematodes have the remarkable ability to enter a state called cryptobiosis, specifically anhydrobiosis or cryobiosis, under adverse conditions. Anhydrobiosis is a state of suspended animation in response to extreme dehydration, while cryobiosis is a state of suspended animation in response to freezing temperatures.

2. Extreme Cold Preservation: In the permafrost of Siberia, temperatures can drop drastically, preserving organisms in a frozen state for thousands of years. Nematodes, when exposed to such conditions, undergo cryobiosis, effectively shutting down their metabolism and entering a state of suspended animation.

3. Reanimation Under Favorable Conditions: When researchers collected the ancient nematodes from the permafrost and provided them with the necessary conditions, such as rehydrating them and warming them up, some of the nematodes came back to life. The process is similar to reviving freeze-dried organisms, where they become active again when water is reintroduced.

4. Genetic Adaptations: Nematodes' ability to survive in extreme environments likely involves genetic adaptations that protect their cells and biological structures from damage caused by freezing or dehydration. Specific proteins and protective mechanisms help them survive and maintain their viability over long periods.

The discovery of revived nematodes from the permafrost highlights the resilience of certain organisms in extreme conditions. Understanding how these organisms survive in cryptobiosis may have implications for fields such as cryopreservation, astrobiology, and the study of extremophiles (organisms that thrive in extreme environments).

It's important to note that while some nematodes were successfully revived, not all of them survived. The process of cryobiosis and the conditions required for reanimation are complex and may not be feasible for all organisms. Nonetheless, this research provides valuable insights into the adaptability and survival strategies of life forms in extreme environments.

Is this a gate to cryonics for reviving frozen humans?

The discovery of nematodes that survived in a state of cryobiosis for thousands of years does offer some insights into the potential of cryonics and its implications for human beings, but it's important to recognize the significant differences between nematodes and humans.

Cryonics is a speculative and controversial practice that involves preserving the body or brain of a deceased person at very low temperatures (typically below -196°C or -321°F) with the hope that future technological advancements may allow revival or restoration of the individual's health and consciousness.

While the nematodes' ability to survive cryobiosis is fascinating, it's essential to consider several critical factors:

1. Complexity of Human Physiology: Humans are much more complex organisms than nematodes. Preserving and reviving human beings involves numerous challenges that are far more complex than reviving simple organisms like nematodes.

2. Ethical and Legal Considerations: Cryonics raises significant ethical, moral, and legal questions. It involves decisions about the rights of the deceased and the potential rights of future generations to make decisions about someone's body and consciousness.

3. Technological Limitations: The technology required to preserve and revive human beings at cryogenic temperatures is currently far beyond our capabilities. While some progress has been made in cryopreservation techniques for small tissue samples, the revival of complex human organs or entire bodies is currently theoretical and faces numerous technical challenges.

4. Long-Term Viability of Preservation: Ensuring the long-term viability of preserved tissues or bodies over extended periods (potentially hundreds or thousands of years) is a significant challenge. The risk of damage to cellular structures and genetic material during cryopreservation is a major concern.

5. Medical Conditions at Time of Preservation: Cryonics also assumes that future medical technologies will be able to cure any diseases or conditions the individual had at the time of preservation. This assumption raises questions about the feasibility of addressing all possible health issues that the preserved individual might have had.

At present, cryonics remains an experimental and speculative practice with no guarantees of success. It is not recognized as a mainstream medical treatment, and there is considerable skepticism within the scientific and medical communities about its feasibility.

While the nematode research provides valuable insights into the potential for cryobiosis in simple organisms, the path to applying such techniques to humans is highly uncertain and will require substantial advancements in science, technology, and societal acceptance. As of now, cryonics remains a speculative endeavor, and individuals should approach it with caution and careful consideration of the ethical, legal, and scientific complexities involved.

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